The books

The Farthing Wood Collection I
This book tells the first part of the story. When their wood is threatened by human developers, the animals must find a new place to stay.
The Farthing Wood Collection II
This book features "Fox's Feud" and "The Fox Cub, Bold".
The Farthing Wood Collection III
This book features "The Seige of White Deer Park", "In the Path of the Storm" and "Battle for the Park".
The Animals Of Farthing Wood (Classic Mammoth)
The Farthing Wood animals need to find a new home when the wood is threatened by human developers.
Farthing Wood Series: The Adventure Begins
A prequel to "The Animals Of Farthing Wood". In this book, you meet the ancestors of the animals that make the journey to White Deer Park.
Farthing Wood Series: In the Grip of Winter
The frost is becoming more severe and Badger is alone and injured in the open.
Farthing Wood Series: Fox's Feud
Fox wants revenge for the death of his cub.
Farthing Wood Series: The Fox Cub, Bold
Fox's cub, Bold, leaves White Deer Park to make his own life, but he is wounded by a hunter's bullet.
Farthing Wood Series: The Seige Of White Deer Park
White Deer Park is threatened as animals are being killed by a mysterious beast. Animals from outside the park seek safety in the park, but it is in vain. The animals need to track down the killer.
Farthing Wood Series: In the Path of the Storm
The animals are fighting against the new leader of the stag herd, Trey, for their right to stay in White Deer Park. Their problem is solved when a great storm hits.
Farthing Wood Series: Battle for the Park
White Deer Park's warden appears to be responsible for animals disappearing, but the animals have bigger problems when the park is invaded by rats.

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